Sustainably Sourced Palo Santo


Sustainably Sourced Palo Santo

from $3.00

~” Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) is a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh and Copal. In Spanish, the name literally means “Holy Wood”. It is part of the citrus family and has sweet notes of pine, mint and lemon.

Palo Santo is enjoyed by many for its energetically cleansing and healing properties similar to Sage and Cedar. It is a strong medicine that has been popularized for its heavenly presence in keeping energies grounded and clear. It creates a pleasant, fresh smoke that works well in keeping away mosquitoes and other flying insects which is one of the prime uses for the people who live in Ecuador and Peru. It provides an uplifting scent that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation. It is also said that Palo Santo enhances creativity and brings good fortune to those who are open to its magic.”

The best part of this magical tree is that it is wild crafted and sustainably harvested by a family that has planted over 30,000 trees back into the area over the last 10 years.  The essential oil can only be extracted from dead trees and fallen branches using “Vapor Distillation” without the use of dangerous chemicals or solvents.  This insures a high quality product cared for with Love and Respect.

100% Sustainable and Natural” (Sacred Wood Essence on Palo Santo and it’s benefits and important note of sustainability)

~Palo Santo can be used to smudge a person, place, or thing & is wonderful for bringing in a more positive frequency/vibration/energy.

~All Palo Santo sold by Little Lotus Trading Co. comes from this source & is only naturally harvested from already fallen trees, in a sustainable manner.

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