Chakra Tea Blends


Chakra Tea Blends

from $10.00

To support you in coming into balance and harmony within all layers of your being - physical, mental, emotional and energetic / spiritual, we have specially crafted these blends with a whole lotta love.

Each blend has been carefully crafted to deeply nourish, recalibrate and rejuvenate your energetic centers, known in Yogic Philosophy as Chakras. These blends can help to awaken, activate, balance & energize stagnant or over-active energetic centers within your energetic body.

All our blends are always made with 100% Organic and Fair Trade Ingredients.

Small Tea Blends (0.5 - 1 oz): $10
Large Tea Blends (3.5 - 4 oz): $40

Purchase all 7 Small Chakra Teas: $56 (Save 20%)
Purchase all 7 Large Chakra Teas: $225 (Save 20%)

Root Chakra Tea Blend
: Red Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Hibiscus, Marshmallow Root, Cacao Shells, Cinnamon Chips, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Eleuthero Root, Ashwagandha Root & a whole lotta love

Sacral Chakra Tea Blend: Black Tea, Cinnamon Chips, Damiana, Orange Peel, Ginger, Cardamom Pods, Calendula Flowers, Cloves, Burdock, Rosehips, Dong Quai, Black Pepper & a whole lotta love. CONTAINS CAFFEINE.

Solar Plexus Chakra Tea Blend: Nettle, Marshmallow Root, Ginger, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Cinnamon Chips, Cardamom Pods, Juniper Berries, Rosemary & a whole lotta love

Heart Chakra Tea Blend: Hawthorne Leaf, Flower & Berries, Nettle, Cacao Shells, Hibiscus Flowers, Cinnamon Chips, Sassafras Leaf, Rose Petals, Moringa Leaf & a whole lotta love

Throat Chakra Tea Blend: Marshmallow Root and Leaf, Cinnamon Chips, Dandelion Leaf, Licorice Root, Orange Peel, Ginger, Echinacea Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Cloves & a whole lotta love

Third Eye Chakra Tea Blend: Tulsi, Damiana, Marshmallow Root, Blue Lotus, Sassafras, Spearmint, Elderberry, Ginkgo Leaf, Passionflower, Mugwort, Calendula & a whole lotta love

Crown Chakra Tea Blend: Blue, White, Yellow, and Red Lotus Flowers, Tulsi, Damiana, Sage, Hawthorne Leaf and Flowers, Rose Petals, Rosemary, Butterfly Pea Flowers & a whole lotta love

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