Relaxing Bath Soak


Relaxing Bath Soak


Every single person deserves self care time - it is never selfish.

It is a necessary part of being a human. We must care for our vessel in order to fill our chips and shine our light outwardly. We think this message is crucial to spread & hope that you know you deserve ‘you’ time!

This Relaxing Bath Tea is hand and heart crafted in small batches with only organic ingredients including Epsom Salts, Dead Sea Salt, dried Lavender, Rose & Chamomile Flowers, and doTerra’s Balance & Serenity blends, Lavender & Vetiver essential oils.

Soothe your nerves and invite in a beautiful nights sleep after detoxing in a bath with these nourishing herbs, salts, and essential oils. A perfect way to end a busy day, or week, and help to replenish yourself for what your heart aspires to do in the days ahead.

Each Bath Soak is an 8 oz. pouch, which you can add 1 tbsp or more to, and steep in the bathtub as you fill it with hot water, and you can leave it in the bath as you soak and even use as a little sponge to rub on sore legs or arms! After each use, empty bag into compost (if possible) or trash and rinse clean for next use. A bag can last for 10-30 baths, depending on how much you use each time.

This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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