Still My Mind Roll On


Still My Mind Roll On


 Searching for a little mental peace? The uplifting oils in this blend allow for a beautiful sensation to arise throughout your being- one of peace and calm. Essential Oils are wonderful because when we use them topically, they soak into our skin and enter our blood stream. They come in contact with every single cell in our body within only 20 minutes!


This lovely blend is made with doTERRA’s Melaleuca, Lemongrass, Oregano, Lemon, Lavender, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Siberian Fir, Douglas Fir, Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil & so much love. This roll on has tree oils, which are grounding to help calm your mind, citrus oils to bring in a bright perspective, and herbs to further soothe your fluttering thoughts. Melaleuca is the oil of Energetic Boundaries, and aids in relinquishing all forms of self-betrayal. Lemongrass is the oil of Cleansing Energy, and aids in clearing that of mental negative energy. Oregano is the oil of Humility & Non-Attachment, releasing the need to be right and dispels attachment. Lemon is the oil of Focus, aiding you to still your mind and be present. Lavender is the oil of Communication & Calmness, and aids specifically in verbal expression and softening the ‘monkey-mind’. Wild Orange is the oil of Abundance & helps you to see the true meaning of it. Eucalyptus is the oil of Wellness, & can aid in recognizing negative patterns that cause you to fall ill. Peppermint is the oil of a buoyant heart, and invites joy into your heart. Siberian Fir is the oil of Aging & Perspective, and addresses generational healing from a mature perspective. Douglas Fir is the Oil of Generational Wisdom and aids in this blend by inviting in a connection to your ancestors and those who have come before you.


Sold in a 10mL roller bottle & safe for use on people ages 7+. If you have sensitive skin, please dilute further to prevent irritation. Keep out of direct sunlight and avoid extremely hot temperatures.  Not FDA approved. External Use only.

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