Tumbled Rutilated Quartz


Tumbled Rutilated Quartz


These tumbles stones are lovely for pocket stones, as an addition to mojo bags, alter spaces, and in any space that needs it’s harmonious energy.

~ Is supportive in harmonizing & aligning all chakras with your aura.

~Rutilated Quartz’s power comes from the inclusions of Rutile (the purifying and protective mineral included throughout these crystals), synergized with Quartz. In Crystal lore, this crystal connects to the highest angelic frequencies. It is said to have the perfect balance of cosmic light & creative power.

~In the realm of Crystal Healing - Rutilated Quartz is revered to draw off negative energy during a chakra sweep & provides a firm foundation for new energetic patterns to be imprinted into the cells; in past life healings it is said to promote insight into the core issue; it has also been used to help in re-balancing the thyroid, heal the lungs, and stimulate cellular growth.

~Rutilated Quartz  is said to also purify toxic thoughts, constructive emotions, releasing the past so that barriers of the illusions of self may fall away and allow you onto the path of your soul’s purpose, enhances intuition, & amplifies the power of thought. 

~Place Rutilated Quartz over your solar plexus or over the thymus to aid in heightening life force energy (chi, prana, etc.) & help in healing chronic dis-eases & sexual dysfunction.

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